Contact Us

Part of joining the KEA Golf community is the availability of ownership to answer any and all of your questions. We take a customer service approach unlike any other in the men's golf apparel industry because being treated right is what we all want. Contact Us today with any questions.

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Instant Feedback

To reach us as quickly as possible and get the answers to your questions, feel free to use the instant chat icon located in the bottom left of the screen and one of the owners will respond as quickly as possible (usually immediately)

Customer Support

Our staff are always available to assist our customers with any questions or concerns they have. If you find yourself feeling this way, reach out to us at the below email address and we will respond the same day with solutions and maintain contact until we get you the answers you need.


If you do not prefer to reach out on the previous two quick methods we can assist you over the phone. One of the owners will maintain the phone at all times so that you get the answers you seek from the people that can help you the most.

+1 7577462463